Saturday, October 27, 2012

6 Of The Best Tips To Build Muscle

More! Special
1. How to Build Ripped, Shredded Muscle Fast Without Any Fat, Click Here!
2. How to build muscle fast without fat. Get ripped, Get shredded and break through any muscle building plateau, Click Here!
3. The Critical Bench Program 2.0
Goal: To Build Muscle & Strength
Description: A Power Building "Bench Specialization" program that helps you add 50 lbs to your bench press in 10 weeks while packing muscle in the process. Power Building is a hybrid powerlifting and bodybuilding training style. You'll get strong like a powerlifter but look as jacked as bodybuilder, Click Here!
4. Vince Gironda Legend and Myth
Goal: Old School Bodybuilding Secrets to Get a Lean Muscular Body
Description: Vince "The Iron Guru" Gironda was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame in the "Golden Years" of bodybuilding, the 1960's. During that time, Vince dominated the scene and Vince's Gym, was known as the Mecca of bodybuilding. Not only champion bodybuilders trained at Vince's Gym, movie stars were also regular visitors to seek Vince's advice and training. People like Eric Estrada, Clint Eastwood, Clint Walker and many others. Hollywood studios used Vince and his gym to shape up their stars. His information was light years ahead of the science and this ebook is the most complete and comprehensive writing ever put together on Vince and his methods. This new book, provides us with the opportunity to gain insight into Vince�the man, the legend and his proven ideas about physique building. Vince�s innovative and pioneering ways generated a firestorm of controversy and made him one of the most polarizing figures in bodybuilding. Physique training was his passion and he knew that his revolutionary training ideas built better bodies, Click Here!
5. The Savage Strength Training System
Goal: To become incredibly strong.
Description: Former SWAT Commander and Executive Bodyguard Mike Gillette Grants You The Hidden Keys To Unlocking Near Super Human Strength. Over The Years Mike Has Trained Everyone From Military and Law Enforcement Personnel, Bodyguards, Competitive Fighters, To Regular Guys Like You And I To Get Strong� Real strength makes trouble go away and isn't about �puffing your chest out� and acting cocky� it's about projecting a capacity for effective action. I am talking about strength and all of the different ways it can improve your life. And believe me, I am talking to YOU. Because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, can get stronger than they are right now, Click Here!
6. The Critical Weight Gain Program
Goal: To Gain Muscle Weight Fast
Description: A completely different approach to gaining muscle weight that can help hard gainers like you pack on up to 25 lbs of muscle in just 12 short weeks, Click Here!
7. Weekly Muscle Building Expert Interview Series (WMBEIS)
Goal: Soaking Up Muscle Building Knowledge from the World's Best
Description: Now you can hear guys who are true masters at building the lean, muscular body like you want... and you can learn exactly how they do it! These are guys who have the physiques that turn heads, command respect, and get attention. You can listen to me pick their brains and learn all their secrets.. right from the comfort of your home! Their advice will teach you exactly how to get the strong, powerful, muscular body you want. Getting a head-turning, muscular physique is going to make you feel so much more proud and confident! It's taken me YEARS to make friends with a group of guys who are arguably the BEST in the world when it comes to muscle building, powerlifting, strength training... and building muscular physiques, Click Here!
8. THINK! And Lose Weight
Goal: To Establish the 7 Habits of Effective Weight Loss
Description: The 104-page eBook contains advice and specific directions on choosing habits that support weight loss. Instead of making weight loss complicated, you'll have the 7 simple, proven habits of effective weight loss at your fingertips. Once you replace your poor habits with new and improved'll lose all the weight you want. Plus it also contains the specific exercises, reps, sets, and other workout information Shawn uses to train his personal training clients to lose weight fast. He even provides a sample workout routine to follow... including the best exercises to use, the days to work out, and the number of reps and sets to use, Click Here!
9 Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0, Click Here!

Content Detail

Eat Over Your Maintenance Level of Calories To build muscle your body needs more calories than it burns during a typical working day. Try and eat between 300-500 calories over your body's maintenance level on a consistent basis. Without an excess of calories in your diet you will not put on muscle. By building muscle we are in theory putting on weight so it makes sense to consume more calories. To ensure your making progress in your training track your workouts as well as your weight. If your not progressing in your training the chances are that you are not consuming enough calories to support muscle growth. This is often the main reason why people hit a plateau. They are simply not eating enough! When progress stalls the first thing you should look at is your diet and your calories. Eat Small Frequent Meals Throughout The Day Eating 5-6 meals a day will supply your body with a constant flow of nutrients coming from a wide variety of sources. Frequent small meals are a great way to get the required amount of calories and protein into your diet and help you build muscle. Eating frequent meals like this can be hard especially when you are working long hours and do not have time throughout the day to prepare your meals. The secret here is to prepare your food the day before. Use Tupperware to store your meals in and take them to work the following day. This way you have high protein meals and calories readily available to you when ever you need them. Eating 5-6 meals a day is not a set requirement to build muscle but look at it this way. If you can consume 5-6 small meals/snacks throughout the day it is going to make it a lot easier to meet both your daily calorie and protein requirements. Trying to meet your calorie and protein requirements by consuming 2 or 3 meals is going to be difficult. With only 2-3 meals a day you will need to consume larger meals at each sitting which can prove tough for some people who struggle with their appetite. Consume at Least 1 Gram of Complete Protein Per Pound of Bodyweight Performing any type of strenuous activity or exercise on a consistent basis calls for a change in our daily diets. Due to the pounding your muscles take during each workout, your nutrient needs increase and are vital for helping you recover efficiently and build muscle mass. One of the most important nutrients for muscle building is protein. Your daily intake of protein should increase when training in order to help rebuild and grow new muscle tissue. How much protein do you need to build muscle? You need at least 1g of complete protein per pound of bodyweight. Protein is known as the building blocks for our muscles and are made up of chains of amino acids that are used by our bodies to help us grow muscle, hair, nails and even skin. A lack of protein in your diet will hinder your results. Great protein foods include lean cuts of meat such as chicken or turkey, fish, tuna, milk, eggs, cheese and whey protein. Get Yourself on an Effective Weight Training Routine/Program Your diet is extremely important when looking to build muscle but if you're not training hard and do not have an effective weight training routine or program in place then you will not see results. Take your time to plan out an effective routine or use one of the proven weight training programs designed by others. Two of the most popular are Rippetoes and Bill Stars 5x5. Google these terms for more information on them. Alternatively you can choose to design yourself a bodybuilding split. This is a routine designed by an individual to hit each muscle group hard on their own specific day. A quick example would be training chest and back on Monday. Biceps and triceps on Wednesday and legs and shoulders on Friday. This is a 3 day split. An individual can design their own bodybuilding split and may choose to workout 3,4,5 or even 6 times a week. Be careful if your going to follow your own bodybuilding split routine. Allow adequate rest days and ensure you do not over train your muscles. Always try and push yourself in your training and progress as much as you can. Don't go into your workouts looking to perform the exact same number of reps or lift the exact same amount of weight as you did the previous week. Push yourself and always look to lift more weight or perform more reps. Vary your reps and exercises every now and again to switch things up and allow continuous progression. Get Enough Rest! Rest? Shouldn't I be training I hear you say. Of course you should but rest is another key factor when lifting heavy weights, as it is with many other sports. Try and get a good 7-10 hours sleep each night to help your body recover and grow. Your body carries out a number of important functions when we are asleep such as the rebuilding and repairing of muscle tissue. Muscle is built whilst we are asleep so bear this in mind when deciding upon another late night. You should also be getting enough rest between your workouts so you can come into each training session and give it 100%. Its often good practice to work each muscle group hard once a week unless you are following a completely different program or a full body workout. Get Out of Bed at a Reasonable Hour This may sound stupid but is definitely related to your results and progress when looking to build muscle. You should be getting up at a reasonable hour in order to consume all your meals throughout the day and get in the required amount of calories and protein your body requires in order to grow and put on muscle mass. Imagine getting up at 12 o clock in the afternoon and going to bed at 9 or 10. Within this time you may be able to consume 3 meals. By only consuming 3 meals it will be difficult to get the required nutrients and calories your body needs to continue growing. If this constantly happens you can see how getting up late can eventually have a big impact on your training and your progress.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

5 Tips to Improve Athletic Performance

More! Special
1. How to Build Ripped, Shredded Muscle Fast Without Any Fat, Click Here!
2. How to build muscle fast without fat. Get ripped, Get shredded and break through any muscle building plateau, Click Here!
3. The Critical Bench Program 2.0
Goal: To Build Muscle & Strength
Description: A Power Building "Bench Specialization" program that helps you add 50 lbs to your bench press in 10 weeks while packing muscle in the process. Power Building is a hybrid powerlifting and bodybuilding training style. You'll get strong like a powerlifter but look as jacked as bodybuilder, Click Here!
4. Vince Gironda Legend and Myth
Goal: Old School Bodybuilding Secrets to Get a Lean Muscular Body
Description: Vince "The Iron Guru" Gironda was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame in the "Golden Years" of bodybuilding, the 1960's. During that time, Vince dominated the scene and Vince's Gym, was known as the Mecca of bodybuilding. Not only champion bodybuilders trained at Vince's Gym, movie stars were also regular visitors to seek Vince's advice and training. People like Eric Estrada, Clint Eastwood, Clint Walker and many others. Hollywood studios used Vince and his gym to shape up their stars. His information was light years ahead of the science and this ebook is the most complete and comprehensive writing ever put together on Vince and his methods. This new book, provides us with the opportunity to gain insight into Vince�the man, the legend and his proven ideas about physique building. Vince�s innovative and pioneering ways generated a firestorm of controversy and made him one of the most polarizing figures in bodybuilding. Physique training was his passion and he knew that his revolutionary training ideas built better bodies, Click Here!
5. The Savage Strength Training System
Goal: To become incredibly strong.
Description: Former SWAT Commander and Executive Bodyguard Mike Gillette Grants You The Hidden Keys To Unlocking Near Super Human Strength. Over The Years Mike Has Trained Everyone From Military and Law Enforcement Personnel, Bodyguards, Competitive Fighters, To Regular Guys Like You And I To Get Strong� Real strength makes trouble go away and isn't about �puffing your chest out� and acting cocky� it's about projecting a capacity for effective action. I am talking about strength and all of the different ways it can improve your life. And believe me, I am talking to YOU. Because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, can get stronger than they are right now, Click Here!
6. The Critical Weight Gain Program
Goal: To Gain Muscle Weight Fast
Description: A completely different approach to gaining muscle weight that can help hard gainers like you pack on up to 25 lbs of muscle in just 12 short weeks, Click Here!
7. Weekly Muscle Building Expert Interview Series (WMBEIS)
Goal: Soaking Up Muscle Building Knowledge from the World's Best
Description: Now you can hear guys who are true masters at building the lean, muscular body like you want... and you can learn exactly how they do it! These are guys who have the physiques that turn heads, command respect, and get attention. You can listen to me pick their brains and learn all their secrets.. right from the comfort of your home! Their advice will teach you exactly how to get the strong, powerful, muscular body you want. Getting a head-turning, muscular physique is going to make you feel so much more proud and confident! It's taken me YEARS to make friends with a group of guys who are arguably the BEST in the world when it comes to muscle building, powerlifting, strength training... and building muscular physiques, Click Here!
8. THINK! And Lose Weight
Goal: To Establish the 7 Habits of Effective Weight Loss
Description: The 104-page eBook contains advice and specific directions on choosing habits that support weight loss. Instead of making weight loss complicated, you'll have the 7 simple, proven habits of effective weight loss at your fingertips. Once you replace your poor habits with new and improved'll lose all the weight you want. Plus it also contains the specific exercises, reps, sets, and other workout information Shawn uses to train his personal training clients to lose weight fast. He even provides a sample workout routine to follow... including the best exercises to use, the days to work out, and the number of reps and sets to use, Click Here!
9 Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0, Click Here!

Content Detail

How can you improve your performance at your next tennis game or soccer match? Taking care of your body and mind might be the key. Here are 5 tips for improving your physical and athletic performance. 1. Take a balanced diet for optimal performance It is important to eat more carbohydrates if you are training regularly. The body must be supplied with sufficient energy from taking grains, starchy vegetables and fruits like bananas. There is no need to take more protein for repair of muscle and tissue. A normal diet provides enough protein for most athletes. Take a multivitamin-mineral supplement. When your diet does not provide sufficient vitamins and minerals, vitamin supplements will ensure your body get the nutrition it needs for exercise. 2. Hydration is important By the time you feel thirsty, you may have already lost more than one percent of your body fluids. This can really impact your performance. Cultivate the habit to drink, even when not thirsty. Simple, cool water is sufficient. There is no need for expensive sports drinks or carbonated beverages. Sports drinks that contain sodium and potassium are only needed by endurance athletes, and caffeine-containing sodas can actually increase dehydration. Drink three to eight ounces of water about 20 minutes before playing, every 15 to 20 minutes during the game, and another six to eight ounces once the session is over. 3. Visualise victory and success Visualisation not only improves athletic performance but also enhances motivation and overall enjoyment of the sport. Studies show that mental training improves motor skills. Going through sports movements in your mind increases confidence, focus and self-composure which will improve your athletic performance. Visualising yourself making that winning shot or mesmerising move can help ingrain the movement in your sub-conscious mind. These moves then become natural to you through practice and mental imagery. 4. Go for a chiropractic check-up Old injuries still affect your athletic performance because your body cannot self-correct the misalignments caused by the injuries. Slowly but surely, the effects of these uncorrected misalignments destroy the ability of your body to perform. For maximum performance, your body should be upright without you having to work at it. If your body leans forward or if your head is even slightly forward of your neck and chest, then you cannot function at your maximum level. See a chiropractor to correct your body misalignment. 5. Take monolaurin supplement and coconut oil Lauric acid, the main ingredient of coconut oil, is a medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA), which has the additional beneficial function of being transformed into monolaurin in the human body. Top athletes take monolaurin supplements to manage their weight and improve their sporting performance. Taking coconut oil will boost energy and endurance, enhancing physical and athletic performance. Coconut oil provides a quick source of energy and stimulates metabolism. The MCFAs in coconut oil are absorbed quickly by the tissues and converted into energy. As the fats in coconut oil is converted directly into energy, athletes get a supply of fatty acids to repair their cells while maintaining their weight. When metabolism functions at a higher level, our cells are like energetic workers anxious to complete the repairs in our bodies. Therefore coconut oil helps the body heal and repair itself more quickly. This accelerated healing aids recovery between games which is important for optimal athletic performance. Protect your immune system and nourish your health with virgin coconut oil, Go to:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

4 Myths About Muscle Building

More! Special
1. How to Build Ripped, Shredded Muscle Fast Without Any Fat, Click Here!
2. How to build muscle fast without fat. Get ripped, Get shredded and break through any muscle building plateau, Click Here!
3. The Critical Bench Program 2.0
Goal: To Build Muscle & Strength
Description: A Power Building "Bench Specialization" program that helps you add 50 lbs to your bench press in 10 weeks while packing muscle in the process. Power Building is a hybrid powerlifting and bodybuilding training style. You'll get strong like a powerlifter but look as jacked as bodybuilder, Click Here!
4. Vince Gironda Legend and Myth
Goal: Old School Bodybuilding Secrets to Get a Lean Muscular Body
Description: Vince "The Iron Guru" Gironda was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame in the "Golden Years" of bodybuilding, the 1960's. During that time, Vince dominated the scene and Vince's Gym, was known as the Mecca of bodybuilding. Not only champion bodybuilders trained at Vince's Gym, movie stars were also regular visitors to seek Vince's advice and training. People like Eric Estrada, Clint Eastwood, Clint Walker and many others. Hollywood studios used Vince and his gym to shape up their stars. His information was light years ahead of the science and this ebook is the most complete and comprehensive writing ever put together on Vince and his methods. This new book, provides us with the opportunity to gain insight into Vince�the man, the legend and his proven ideas about physique building. Vince�s innovative and pioneering ways generated a firestorm of controversy and made him one of the most polarizing figures in bodybuilding. Physique training was his passion and he knew that his revolutionary training ideas built better bodies, Click Here!
5. The Savage Strength Training System
Goal: To become incredibly strong.
Description: Former SWAT Commander and Executive Bodyguard Mike Gillette Grants You The Hidden Keys To Unlocking Near Super Human Strength. Over The Years Mike Has Trained Everyone From Military and Law Enforcement Personnel, Bodyguards, Competitive Fighters, To Regular Guys Like You And I To Get Strong� Real strength makes trouble go away and isn't about �puffing your chest out� and acting cocky� it's about projecting a capacity for effective action. I am talking about strength and all of the different ways it can improve your life. And believe me, I am talking to YOU. Because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, can get stronger than they are right now, Click Here!
6. The Critical Weight Gain Program
Goal: To Gain Muscle Weight Fast
Description: A completely different approach to gaining muscle weight that can help hard gainers like you pack on up to 25 lbs of muscle in just 12 short weeks, Click Here!
7. Weekly Muscle Building Expert Interview Series (WMBEIS)
Goal: Soaking Up Muscle Building Knowledge from the World's Best
Description: Now you can hear guys who are true masters at building the lean, muscular body like you want... and you can learn exactly how they do it! These are guys who have the physiques that turn heads, command respect, and get attention. You can listen to me pick their brains and learn all their secrets.. right from the comfort of your home! Their advice will teach you exactly how to get the strong, powerful, muscular body you want. Getting a head-turning, muscular physique is going to make you feel so much more proud and confident! It's taken me YEARS to make friends with a group of guys who are arguably the BEST in the world when it comes to muscle building, powerlifting, strength training... and building muscular physiques, Click Here!
8. THINK! And Lose Weight
Goal: To Establish the 7 Habits of Effective Weight Loss
Description: The 104-page eBook contains advice and specific directions on choosing habits that support weight loss. Instead of making weight loss complicated, you'll have the 7 simple, proven habits of effective weight loss at your fingertips. Once you replace your poor habits with new and improved'll lose all the weight you want. Plus it also contains the specific exercises, reps, sets, and other workout information Shawn uses to train his personal training clients to lose weight fast. He even provides a sample workout routine to follow... including the best exercises to use, the days to work out, and the number of reps and sets to use, Click Here!
9 Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0, Click Here!

Content Detail

A myth refers to a story that is unproven or proceeds to be fictitious, yet still being utilized by a handful of as a reference to distinct daily activities. Due to time and to prevailing technique, scores of enthusiasts of muscle building may not know that what they're utilizing or what they're educating to many others is a myth after all. From a long list, here are 4 myths with regard to musclebuilding. Myth 1: Rule of 12...Many trainers would call for those who were starting weight training routines to do 12 repetitions in every set and some even 8. They believe that this is the most beneficial way to building muscle. Nevertheless, modern-day trainers say 12 or 8 is not the secret number, but what is more notable is a varied repetition depending on the improvement of weight training. It could be five, 10, or fifteen depending on the weight and the type of work out. Myth 2: Three Sets Standard... Exactly what comes with repetition would be the number of sets. A set consists of the number of times a person does a particular routine which is also known as repetition. As a standard followed by those into muscle building, 3 sets give the most appropariate training routine to build muscle fast. In reality, anyone can go beyond or less than three sets, for it depends on the repetition done in every set. If you're going through an exercise of more than 8 repetitions, then you can go lower than three sets. On the other hand, if you are executing an exercise session of less than 8 repetitions, you can even attain five sets for it. Myth 3: The Muscle Group Routine... In order for you to magnify and to fully stretch out the muscles in certain groups, for example, back or abdomen, you have to do three or four different workout routines for it. This ultimately comes with the aforementioned myths in which you have to do three or four different workouts in three sets with 8-12 repetitions. That has seemed to be the proper formula, but experts say that instead of focusing on the number of different work outs you should try doing a total of at least 25 to 50 at most. Myth 4: The Abdominal Movement... This myth states that you should often pull your abdominals into your vertebrae every time you lift weights to avoid back injuries and to develop abdominal muscles. Then again, what health experts believe to be more efficient and more suitable is when you hold your abdominal muscles tightly held rather than to pull it back. With these 4 myths concerning muscle building busted, you can now start a much better bodybuilding program that can develop better results.

Monday, October 22, 2012

4 Muscle Building Myths

More! Special
1. How to Build Ripped, Shredded Muscle Fast Without Any Fat, Click Here!
2. How to build muscle fast without fat. Get ripped, Get shredded and break through any muscle building plateau, Click Here!
3. The Critical Bench Program 2.0
Goal: To Build Muscle & Strength
Description: A Power Building "Bench Specialization" program that helps you add 50 lbs to your bench press in 10 weeks while packing muscle in the process. Power Building is a hybrid powerlifting and bodybuilding training style. You'll get strong like a powerlifter but look as jacked as bodybuilder, Click Here!
4. Vince Gironda Legend and Myth
Goal: Old School Bodybuilding Secrets to Get a Lean Muscular Body
Description: Vince "The Iron Guru" Gironda was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame in the "Golden Years" of bodybuilding, the 1960's. During that time, Vince dominated the scene and Vince's Gym, was known as the Mecca of bodybuilding. Not only champion bodybuilders trained at Vince's Gym, movie stars were also regular visitors to seek Vince's advice and training. People like Eric Estrada, Clint Eastwood, Clint Walker and many others. Hollywood studios used Vince and his gym to shape up their stars. His information was light years ahead of the science and this ebook is the most complete and comprehensive writing ever put together on Vince and his methods. This new book, provides us with the opportunity to gain insight into Vince�the man, the legend and his proven ideas about physique building. Vince�s innovative and pioneering ways generated a firestorm of controversy and made him one of the most polarizing figures in bodybuilding. Physique training was his passion and he knew that his revolutionary training ideas built better bodies, Click Here!
5. The Savage Strength Training System
Goal: To become incredibly strong.
Description: Former SWAT Commander and Executive Bodyguard Mike Gillette Grants You The Hidden Keys To Unlocking Near Super Human Strength. Over The Years Mike Has Trained Everyone From Military and Law Enforcement Personnel, Bodyguards, Competitive Fighters, To Regular Guys Like You And I To Get Strong� Real strength makes trouble go away and isn't about �puffing your chest out� and acting cocky� it's about projecting a capacity for effective action. I am talking about strength and all of the different ways it can improve your life. And believe me, I am talking to YOU. Because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, can get stronger than they are right now, Click Here!
6. The Critical Weight Gain Program
Goal: To Gain Muscle Weight Fast
Description: A completely different approach to gaining muscle weight that can help hard gainers like you pack on up to 25 lbs of muscle in just 12 short weeks, Click Here!
7. Weekly Muscle Building Expert Interview Series (WMBEIS)
Goal: Soaking Up Muscle Building Knowledge from the World's Best
Description: Now you can hear guys who are true masters at building the lean, muscular body like you want... and you can learn exactly how they do it! These are guys who have the physiques that turn heads, command respect, and get attention. You can listen to me pick their brains and learn all their secrets.. right from the comfort of your home! Their advice will teach you exactly how to get the strong, powerful, muscular body you want. Getting a head-turning, muscular physique is going to make you feel so much more proud and confident! It's taken me YEARS to make friends with a group of guys who are arguably the BEST in the world when it comes to muscle building, powerlifting, strength training... and building muscular physiques, Click Here!
8. THINK! And Lose Weight
Goal: To Establish the 7 Habits of Effective Weight Loss
Description: The 104-page eBook contains advice and specific directions on choosing habits that support weight loss. Instead of making weight loss complicated, you'll have the 7 simple, proven habits of effective weight loss at your fingertips. Once you replace your poor habits with new and improved'll lose all the weight you want. Plus it also contains the specific exercises, reps, sets, and other workout information Shawn uses to train his personal training clients to lose weight fast. He even provides a sample workout routine to follow... including the best exercises to use, the days to work out, and the number of reps and sets to use, Click Here!
9 Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0, Click Here!

Content Detail

If you want to maximize your body's muscle building potentials, one of the first (and probably one of the most important also) things you must do is to know the truth about everything related to muscle building. There are so many myths flying around these days that it has become quite difficult to distinguish between myths and truths. What's really scary is that some myths pose serious danger to people who believe in them. What's making matters worse is many of the so-called "experts" are actually relying on the propagation of those myths to sell all those expensive pills, powders and "miracle programs" that they are promoting. For your own good and safety, I advice you to read up first on things about what you're planning on doing and learn about the myths and misconceptions that surround it. And I'm giving you that advice not just for muscle building but also for anything that's yet unfamiliar to you. Anyway, to help you get started, here are 4 muscle building myths that, if relied upon as facts, could either get you nowhere or inflict serious injuries on you. Myth #1 - You must achieve a "pump" during your workout in order to build muscle. And the greater the pump you get, they say, the more your muscles grow. What is a "pump" anyway? Well, it's like this. Blood gets pumped to your muscles when you workout with weights which makes your muscles look fuller and more vascular. And it feels good, too. This is (in muscle/body building parlance) is referred to as "muscle pump" or simply "pump". The thing is this is complete nonsense. The "pump" actually has nothing at all to do with how much your muscles will grow. It's really just a temporary side effect of training with weights. Myth #2 - Building muscles will make you slower and less flexible If you know an athlete—a runner, a swimmer, a gymnast, a football player, any athlete for that matter, or if you've watched sports events involving any of those athletes I've mentioned, you should know that this is not true. Just look at the legs of those runners, those shoulders and backs of those swimmers, and the body structure of those gymnasts. They're huge! Now, are they slower? Are they less flexible? Definitely not. Myth #3 - High repetitions give you muscle definition. Simply not true. To get more muscle definition, what you must do is to lower your body fat level. Getting rid of most of your body fat will reveal more of the underlying muscle that they would otherwise be covering. The real key to getting well defined muscles is to watch what you eat. Myth #4 - The more you workout, the bigger your muscles will grow. You will not get very far believing in this one. Actually, it can even get you into trouble. Muscles grow when they undergo the repair and recovery process. And the repair and recovery process only takes place when muscles are properly rested.

3-Day Muscle Building Workout Program

More! Special
1. How to Build Ripped, Shredded Muscle Fast Without Any Fat, Click Here!
2. How to build muscle fast without fat. Get ripped, Get shredded and break through any muscle building plateau, Click Here!
3. The Critical Bench Program 2.0
Goal: To Build Muscle & Strength
Description: A Power Building "Bench Specialization" program that helps you add 50 lbs to your bench press in 10 weeks while packing muscle in the process. Power Building is a hybrid powerlifting and bodybuilding training style. You'll get strong like a powerlifter but look as jacked as bodybuilder, Click Here!
4. Vince Gironda Legend and Myth
Goal: Old School Bodybuilding Secrets to Get a Lean Muscular Body
Description: Vince "The Iron Guru" Gironda was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame in the "Golden Years" of bodybuilding, the 1960's. During that time, Vince dominated the scene and Vince's Gym, was known as the Mecca of bodybuilding. Not only champion bodybuilders trained at Vince's Gym, movie stars were also regular visitors to seek Vince's advice and training. People like Eric Estrada, Clint Eastwood, Clint Walker and many others. Hollywood studios used Vince and his gym to shape up their stars. His information was light years ahead of the science and this ebook is the most complete and comprehensive writing ever put together on Vince and his methods. This new book, provides us with the opportunity to gain insight into Vince�the man, the legend and his proven ideas about physique building. Vince�s innovative and pioneering ways generated a firestorm of controversy and made him one of the most polarizing figures in bodybuilding. Physique training was his passion and he knew that his revolutionary training ideas built better bodies, Click Here!
5. The Savage Strength Training System
Goal: To become incredibly strong.
Description: Former SWAT Commander and Executive Bodyguard Mike Gillette Grants You The Hidden Keys To Unlocking Near Super Human Strength. Over The Years Mike Has Trained Everyone From Military and Law Enforcement Personnel, Bodyguards, Competitive Fighters, To Regular Guys Like You And I To Get Strong� Real strength makes trouble go away and isn't about �puffing your chest out� and acting cocky� it's about projecting a capacity for effective action. I am talking about strength and all of the different ways it can improve your life. And believe me, I am talking to YOU. Because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, can get stronger than they are right now, Click Here!
6. The Critical Weight Gain Program
Goal: To Gain Muscle Weight Fast
Description: A completely different approach to gaining muscle weight that can help hard gainers like you pack on up to 25 lbs of muscle in just 12 short weeks, Click Here!
7. Weekly Muscle Building Expert Interview Series (WMBEIS)
Goal: Soaking Up Muscle Building Knowledge from the World's Best
Description: Now you can hear guys who are true masters at building the lean, muscular body like you want... and you can learn exactly how they do it! These are guys who have the physiques that turn heads, command respect, and get attention. You can listen to me pick their brains and learn all their secrets.. right from the comfort of your home! Their advice will teach you exactly how to get the strong, powerful, muscular body you want. Getting a head-turning, muscular physique is going to make you feel so much more proud and confident! It's taken me YEARS to make friends with a group of guys who are arguably the BEST in the world when it comes to muscle building, powerlifting, strength training... and building muscular physiques, Click Here!
8. THINK! And Lose Weight
Goal: To Establish the 7 Habits of Effective Weight Loss
Description: The 104-page eBook contains advice and specific directions on choosing habits that support weight loss. Instead of making weight loss complicated, you'll have the 7 simple, proven habits of effective weight loss at your fingertips. Once you replace your poor habits with new and improved'll lose all the weight you want. Plus it also contains the specific exercises, reps, sets, and other workout information Shawn uses to train his personal training clients to lose weight fast. He even provides a sample workout routine to follow... including the best exercises to use, the days to work out, and the number of reps and sets to use, Click Here!
9 Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0, Click Here!

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The top way to gain considerable amounts of muscle mass is by the use of an efficient muscle constructing workout program. Coaching your muscles is what stimulates muscle development, without having right instruction set in place there might be small muscle development as your muscles will have no purpose to grow. Article Tags: Workout Program

Sunday, October 21, 2012

3 Simple Steps To Get Ripped Muscle

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1. How to Build Ripped, Shredded Muscle Fast Without Any Fat, Click Here!
2. How to build muscle fast without fat. Get ripped, Get shredded and break through any muscle building plateau, Click Here!
3. The Critical Bench Program 2.0
Goal: To Build Muscle & Strength
Description: A Power Building "Bench Specialization" program that helps you add 50 lbs to your bench press in 10 weeks while packing muscle in the process. Power Building is a hybrid powerlifting and bodybuilding training style. You'll get strong like a powerlifter but look as jacked as bodybuilder, Click Here!
4. Vince Gironda Legend and Myth
Goal: Old School Bodybuilding Secrets to Get a Lean Muscular Body
Description: Vince "The Iron Guru" Gironda was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame in the "Golden Years" of bodybuilding, the 1960's. During that time, Vince dominated the scene and Vince's Gym, was known as the Mecca of bodybuilding. Not only champion bodybuilders trained at Vince's Gym, movie stars were also regular visitors to seek Vince's advice and training. People like Eric Estrada, Clint Eastwood, Clint Walker and many others. Hollywood studios used Vince and his gym to shape up their stars. His information was light years ahead of the science and this ebook is the most complete and comprehensive writing ever put together on Vince and his methods. This new book, provides us with the opportunity to gain insight into Vince�the man, the legend and his proven ideas about physique building. Vince�s innovative and pioneering ways generated a firestorm of controversy and made him one of the most polarizing figures in bodybuilding. Physique training was his passion and he knew that his revolutionary training ideas built better bodies, Click Here!
5. The Savage Strength Training System
Goal: To become incredibly strong.
Description: Former SWAT Commander and Executive Bodyguard Mike Gillette Grants You The Hidden Keys To Unlocking Near Super Human Strength. Over The Years Mike Has Trained Everyone From Military and Law Enforcement Personnel, Bodyguards, Competitive Fighters, To Regular Guys Like You And I To Get Strong� Real strength makes trouble go away and isn't about �puffing your chest out� and acting cocky� it's about projecting a capacity for effective action. I am talking about strength and all of the different ways it can improve your life. And believe me, I am talking to YOU. Because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, can get stronger than they are right now, Click Here!
6. The Critical Weight Gain Program
Goal: To Gain Muscle Weight Fast
Description: A completely different approach to gaining muscle weight that can help hard gainers like you pack on up to 25 lbs of muscle in just 12 short weeks, Click Here!
7. Weekly Muscle Building Expert Interview Series (WMBEIS)
Goal: Soaking Up Muscle Building Knowledge from the World's Best
Description: Now you can hear guys who are true masters at building the lean, muscular body like you want... and you can learn exactly how they do it! These are guys who have the physiques that turn heads, command respect, and get attention. You can listen to me pick their brains and learn all their secrets.. right from the comfort of your home! Their advice will teach you exactly how to get the strong, powerful, muscular body you want. Getting a head-turning, muscular physique is going to make you feel so much more proud and confident! It's taken me YEARS to make friends with a group of guys who are arguably the BEST in the world when it comes to muscle building, powerlifting, strength training... and building muscular physiques, Click Here!
8. THINK! And Lose Weight
Goal: To Establish the 7 Habits of Effective Weight Loss
Description: The 104-page eBook contains advice and specific directions on choosing habits that support weight loss. Instead of making weight loss complicated, you'll have the 7 simple, proven habits of effective weight loss at your fingertips. Once you replace your poor habits with new and improved'll lose all the weight you want. Plus it also contains the specific exercises, reps, sets, and other workout information Shawn uses to train his personal training clients to lose weight fast. He even provides a sample workout routine to follow... including the best exercises to use, the days to work out, and the number of reps and sets to use, Click Here!
9 Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0, Click Here!

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So, you want to get ripped muscle? Well, it's as easy as one, two, three! There are three major steps involved. But it will never be easy because you need to commit. Building muscle and dropping fat is hard work, and takes more than a little control. If you follow the guidelines below, you'll get ripped abs and ripped muscle. So, let's get started! 1. First, Put On Muscle The first step in getting ripped muscle is to actually put on that muscle. And there's really only one thing that's great at promoting muscle growth: weight training. Lifting weights with a simple (but well-designed) program will give you great results. And you don't need to workout every day - just two or three days a week will give you great results. Oh, and to build muscle you have got to eat enough. If you starve yourself and are trying to lose fat at the same time you're working out, you won't be able to grow more muscle. There's no energy there to grow the muscle! So, either decide whether you're going to lose fat or grow more muscle. I recommend growing more muscle first, at least for a few weeks, to get the hang of counting your calories and exercising. And when you're working out, actually focus on getting stronger. Don't 'tone' or go for the 'pump' - if you're not doing more reps every session, or lifting more weight every session, you're not making progress. Once you've got the hang of working out to put on muscle and get stronger, then transition to step two: dropping the fat. 2. Second, Drop The Fat To get ripped muscle, you need to lose fat. No matter how much muscle you have, you won't be able to get ripped abs if you're carrying too much fat. That's just how it works. When you're dieting to drop fat, I recommend that you count calories. Then, eat about 500 calories less a day then you need to maintain your bodyweight - so you drop 3,500 calories in one week, or 1 pound of body fat. Now, you can lose weight faster than just 1 pound a week. But in my experience, when you lose more than 1 pound a week of weight, after 1 pound of fat about half the weight you lose is muscle and the other half is fat. This is not a good ratio - you what to do everything possible to keep your muscle! And finally, to drop fat you want to eat more vegetables like squash and salad. Why? It's not for some vague reason that these foods are 'healthier' - rather, vegetables don't have very many calories. So you can fill up on squash until you overfill yourself and you'll still only have eaten around 200 calories! As opposed to ice cream or bread pudding, where you can eat 200 calories in just a few mouthfuls. And now for the fun part... 3. Third, Show Off! OK, now you've revealed your muscles and there's only one thing left to do: show off! Which is really why you wanted to get ripped muscle in the first place, right? If you need more info or tips on how to get ripped muscle, check out the links below. There are tons more pointers that will help you lose weight quickly and (almost) painlessly. But you'll still need to supply the hard work for getting ripped abs.

10 Tips To Build Muscle - Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer

More! Special
1. How to Build Ripped, Shredded Muscle Fast Without Any Fat, Click Here!
2. How to build muscle fast without fat. Get ripped, Get shredded and break through any muscle building plateau, Click Here!
3. The Critical Bench Program 2.0
Goal: To Build Muscle & Strength
Description: A Power Building "Bench Specialization" program that helps you add 50 lbs to your bench press in 10 weeks while packing muscle in the process. Power Building is a hybrid powerlifting and bodybuilding training style. You'll get strong like a powerlifter but look as jacked as bodybuilder, Click Here!
4. Vince Gironda Legend and Myth
Goal: Old School Bodybuilding Secrets to Get a Lean Muscular Body
Description: Vince "The Iron Guru" Gironda was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame in the "Golden Years" of bodybuilding, the 1960's. During that time, Vince dominated the scene and Vince's Gym, was known as the Mecca of bodybuilding. Not only champion bodybuilders trained at Vince's Gym, movie stars were also regular visitors to seek Vince's advice and training. People like Eric Estrada, Clint Eastwood, Clint Walker and many others. Hollywood studios used Vince and his gym to shape up their stars. His information was light years ahead of the science and this ebook is the most complete and comprehensive writing ever put together on Vince and his methods. This new book, provides us with the opportunity to gain insight into Vince�the man, the legend and his proven ideas about physique building. Vince�s innovative and pioneering ways generated a firestorm of controversy and made him one of the most polarizing figures in bodybuilding. Physique training was his passion and he knew that his revolutionary training ideas built better bodies, Click Here!
5. The Savage Strength Training System
Goal: To become incredibly strong.
Description: Former SWAT Commander and Executive Bodyguard Mike Gillette Grants You The Hidden Keys To Unlocking Near Super Human Strength. Over The Years Mike Has Trained Everyone From Military and Law Enforcement Personnel, Bodyguards, Competitive Fighters, To Regular Guys Like You And I To Get Strong� Real strength makes trouble go away and isn't about �puffing your chest out� and acting cocky� it's about projecting a capacity for effective action. I am talking about strength and all of the different ways it can improve your life. And believe me, I am talking to YOU. Because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, can get stronger than they are right now, Click Here!
6. The Critical Weight Gain Program
Goal: To Gain Muscle Weight Fast
Description: A completely different approach to gaining muscle weight that can help hard gainers like you pack on up to 25 lbs of muscle in just 12 short weeks, Click Here!
7. Weekly Muscle Building Expert Interview Series (WMBEIS)
Goal: Soaking Up Muscle Building Knowledge from the World's Best
Description: Now you can hear guys who are true masters at building the lean, muscular body like you want... and you can learn exactly how they do it! These are guys who have the physiques that turn heads, command respect, and get attention. You can listen to me pick their brains and learn all their secrets.. right from the comfort of your home! Their advice will teach you exactly how to get the strong, powerful, muscular body you want. Getting a head-turning, muscular physique is going to make you feel so much more proud and confident! It's taken me YEARS to make friends with a group of guys who are arguably the BEST in the world when it comes to muscle building, powerlifting, strength training... and building muscular physiques, Click Here!
8. THINK! And Lose Weight
Goal: To Establish the 7 Habits of Effective Weight Loss
Description: The 104-page eBook contains advice and specific directions on choosing habits that support weight loss. Instead of making weight loss complicated, you'll have the 7 simple, proven habits of effective weight loss at your fingertips. Once you replace your poor habits with new and improved'll lose all the weight you want. Plus it also contains the specific exercises, reps, sets, and other workout information Shawn uses to train his personal training clients to lose weight fast. He even provides a sample workout routine to follow... including the best exercises to use, the days to work out, and the number of reps and sets to use, Click Here!
9 Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0, Click Here!

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As soon as you imagine muscle building you have a tendency to imagine massive creepy figures - like the ones that you regularly see in the a few of the muscle publications. Every time they flex their clothes burst open with buttons projecting everywhere. I know - that's a bit outrageous but you get my drift. The fact is that building muscle isn't solely about having forearms like Popeye. Although don't take it for a given, not for a second, the countless hours of trying effort - and sacrifice - individuals training their bodies, to reach these types of results - it is truly inspiring. Ok, onto the building muscle points. A Toned Appearance and Lean Muscle Mass 1. You do not need a lot of machines, even dumbbells on their own are excellent to start with. 2. Make certain you have a program to follow that matches your requirements and gives you enough procedures on how to carry out the routines. 3. When executing your exercises keep your knees slightly bent, your back straight, chest away and your belly tight, also when you are executing sitting exercises you have to make certain you have good posture. 4. Do not sway your weights about. If you have found that you are swaying your body around to lift your dumbbells then you should lessen the weight until you are completely ready to advance. 5. Execute your workouts properly. If, as I described earlier, you have to sway your self - or your dumbbells - around then you're more than likely giving your lower back a lousy workout rather than the body part you believed you were working on. Don't waste valuable training time by not employing good form while training. 6. Always keep a water bottle close so have easy access to hydration while working out. This will keep you from getting dehydrated. 7. Make certain you perform a warm up before training and then cool off soon after. While your muscles are still warm after your cool down perform your stretches. 8. Sleep! You need to have sufficient sleep to guarantee your body has time to fix itself and recover from the day's workout and general routines. 9. Organise your eating plan ahead of time so that you can have your meals readily available. This will help stop you from eating junk as well as keeping up with regular meal times. 10. Protein. You will require sufficient protein intake in your diet to help augment your muscle development. Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer is great for this if you're finding it tough to include foods such as chicken, fish, meat (all are to be lean, skin or fat cut off) low calorie yogurt, cottage cheese, egg whites etc... You need a good quality protein. Check out Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer... Just one more thing I need to mention for these building muscle guidelines... If you battle with body fat, growing your lean muscle mass can help turn your body from unattractive to firm and toned. Were you aware that the more lean muscle you have the higher your metabolism - that's right, you'll be burning more calories night and day. Ya gotta love it! Happy training!

10 Rules For Injecting Anabolic Steroids To Gain Muscle

More! Special
1. How to Build Ripped, Shredded Muscle Fast Without Any Fat, Click Here!
2. How to build muscle fast without fat. Get ripped, Get shredded and break through any muscle building plateau, Click Here!
3. The Critical Bench Program 2.0
Goal: To Build Muscle & Strength
Description: A Power Building "Bench Specialization" program that helps you add 50 lbs to your bench press in 10 weeks while packing muscle in the process. Power Building is a hybrid powerlifting and bodybuilding training style. You'll get strong like a powerlifter but look as jacked as bodybuilder, Click Here!
4. Vince Gironda Legend and Myth
Goal: Old School Bodybuilding Secrets to Get a Lean Muscular Body
Description: Vince "The Iron Guru" Gironda was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame in the "Golden Years" of bodybuilding, the 1960's. During that time, Vince dominated the scene and Vince's Gym, was known as the Mecca of bodybuilding. Not only champion bodybuilders trained at Vince's Gym, movie stars were also regular visitors to seek Vince's advice and training. People like Eric Estrada, Clint Eastwood, Clint Walker and many others. Hollywood studios used Vince and his gym to shape up their stars. His information was light years ahead of the science and this ebook is the most complete and comprehensive writing ever put together on Vince and his methods. This new book, provides us with the opportunity to gain insight into Vince�the man, the legend and his proven ideas about physique building. Vince�s innovative and pioneering ways generated a firestorm of controversy and made him one of the most polarizing figures in bodybuilding. Physique training was his passion and he knew that his revolutionary training ideas built better bodies, Click Here!
5. The Savage Strength Training System
Goal: To become incredibly strong.
Description: Former SWAT Commander and Executive Bodyguard Mike Gillette Grants You The Hidden Keys To Unlocking Near Super Human Strength. Over The Years Mike Has Trained Everyone From Military and Law Enforcement Personnel, Bodyguards, Competitive Fighters, To Regular Guys Like You And I To Get Strong� Real strength makes trouble go away and isn�t about �puffing your chest out� and acting cocky� it�s about projecting a capacity for effective action. I am talking about strength and all of the different ways it can improve your life. And believe me, I am talking to YOU. Because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, can get stronger than they are right now, Click Here!
6. The Critical Weight Gain Program
Goal: To Gain Muscle Weight Fast
Description: A completely different approach to gaining muscle weight that can help hard gainers like you pack on up to 25 lbs of muscle in just 12 short weeks, Click Here!
7. Weekly Muscle Building Expert Interview Series (WMBEIS)
Goal: Soaking Up Muscle Building Knowledge from the World's Best
Description: Now you can hear guys who are true masters at building the lean, muscular body like you want... and you can learn exactly how they do it! These are guys who have the physiques that turn heads, command respect, and get attention. You can listen to me pick their brains and learn all their secrets.. right from the comfort of your home! Their advice will teach you exactly how to get the strong, powerful, muscular body you want. Getting a head-turning, muscular physique is going to make you feel so much more proud and confident! It's taken me YEARS to make friends with a group of guys who are arguably the BEST in the world when it comes to muscle building, powerlifting, strength training... and building muscular physiques, Click Here!
8. THINK! And Lose Weight
Goal: To Establish the 7 Habits of Effective Weight Loss
Description: The 104-page eBook contains advice and specific directions on choosing habits that support weight loss. Instead of making weight loss complicated, you'll have the 7 simple, proven habits of effective weight loss at your fingertips. Once you replace your poor habits with new and improved'll lose all the weight you want. Plus it also contains the specific exercises, reps, sets, and other workout information Shawn uses to train his personal training clients to lose weight fast. He even provides a sample workout routine to follow... including the best exercises to use, the days to work out, and the number of reps and sets to use, Click Here!
9 Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0, Click Here!

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There are many important facts to take into consideration when administering An injection of anabolic steroids and if you follow the basic rules, then you will have trouble free steroid therapy Below you will find the 10 most important rules to follow when using injections as part of a steroid cycle. 1. NEVER share needles with another person – Destroy them after each use. Needles are cheap, so there is no excuse for sharing, unless you're trying to spread diseases. 2. Avoid injecting into the exact same area more than twice per week, as any more and you run the risk of scar tissue building up under the injection site. Mix it up, there are plenty of locations to inject. 3. Keep the area to be injected as clean as possible. Use an alcohol swab or hydrogen peroxide. 4. Use a brand new SHARP needle every time, nothing hurts worse than a dull needle. Avoid rubbing the needle tip on the base of the vial. 5. Use two needles if possible. One for pulling and one for jabbing. Needles are cheap remember? 6. Inject your anabolic slowly, carefully and make sure the jab is all the way in. Under no circumstances should the fluid be injected just under the skin. Doing so could cause an abcess. 7. Do not worry about a little blood. It could be that you have caught a tiny blood vessel. Apply firm pressure to the area and it will stop. 8. Do not use to fine a needle to inject oil based steroids. It will take for ever to inject and cause lots of pain. 9. Keep away from the center of your lower back. This will ensure that you will avoid your sciatic nerve. High and right on your butt cheek is the rule or left on the other cheek. 10. Tap away all bubbles from the syringe. The very tiny ones will not cause any problems as it is an intra muscular injection and NOT intra vascular. Under no circumstances should you inject steroids into a vein. There you have the top 10 rules for a steroid injection, if you follow them you will enjoy pain and problem free injections. Ignore them and be ready for some pain and possibly some health risks.