Wednesday, October 24, 2012

5 Tips to Improve Athletic Performance

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Content Detail

How can you improve your performance at your next tennis game or soccer match? Taking care of your body and mind might be the key. Here are 5 tips for improving your physical and athletic performance. 1. Take a balanced diet for optimal performance It is important to eat more carbohydrates if you are training regularly. The body must be supplied with sufficient energy from taking grains, starchy vegetables and fruits like bananas. There is no need to take more protein for repair of muscle and tissue. A normal diet provides enough protein for most athletes. Take a multivitamin-mineral supplement. When your diet does not provide sufficient vitamins and minerals, vitamin supplements will ensure your body get the nutrition it needs for exercise. 2. Hydration is important By the time you feel thirsty, you may have already lost more than one percent of your body fluids. This can really impact your performance. Cultivate the habit to drink, even when not thirsty. Simple, cool water is sufficient. There is no need for expensive sports drinks or carbonated beverages. Sports drinks that contain sodium and potassium are only needed by endurance athletes, and caffeine-containing sodas can actually increase dehydration. Drink three to eight ounces of water about 20 minutes before playing, every 15 to 20 minutes during the game, and another six to eight ounces once the session is over. 3. Visualise victory and success Visualisation not only improves athletic performance but also enhances motivation and overall enjoyment of the sport. Studies show that mental training improves motor skills. Going through sports movements in your mind increases confidence, focus and self-composure which will improve your athletic performance. Visualising yourself making that winning shot or mesmerising move can help ingrain the movement in your sub-conscious mind. These moves then become natural to you through practice and mental imagery. 4. Go for a chiropractic check-up Old injuries still affect your athletic performance because your body cannot self-correct the misalignments caused by the injuries. Slowly but surely, the effects of these uncorrected misalignments destroy the ability of your body to perform. For maximum performance, your body should be upright without you having to work at it. If your body leans forward or if your head is even slightly forward of your neck and chest, then you cannot function at your maximum level. See a chiropractor to correct your body misalignment. 5. Take monolaurin supplement and coconut oil Lauric acid, the main ingredient of coconut oil, is a medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA), which has the additional beneficial function of being transformed into monolaurin in the human body. Top athletes take monolaurin supplements to manage their weight and improve their sporting performance. Taking coconut oil will boost energy and endurance, enhancing physical and athletic performance. Coconut oil provides a quick source of energy and stimulates metabolism. The MCFAs in coconut oil are absorbed quickly by the tissues and converted into energy. As the fats in coconut oil is converted directly into energy, athletes get a supply of fatty acids to repair their cells while maintaining their weight. When metabolism functions at a higher level, our cells are like energetic workers anxious to complete the repairs in our bodies. Therefore coconut oil helps the body heal and repair itself more quickly. This accelerated healing aids recovery between games which is important for optimal athletic performance. Protect your immune system and nourish your health with virgin coconut oil, Go to:


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